TripleFarming Map is a triple agriculture with agriculture, animal husbandry and production.
There are total five products in TripleFarming Map:
- Canning : water , tomatoes , cucumbers and carrots brings you down , you get Gemüdekonserven.
- Apple orchard : Crap, water and manure carry you sell apples on the various outlets.
- Concrete Factory: sand, gravel and water brings you out concrete slabs are brought to the site.
- Brewery: Barley, Hops (available from Lanhandel ) hinbringen and water to get beer.
- Bakery : Wheat , barley, sunflowers and water brings back one , rolls do you get the sale .
Download TripleFarming Map for FS2013:
- Baustellenleuchte: Skript by Alex2009
- Staudamm by Farmerahner
- kleine Industrie by marjas31
- Mischstation by Marhu
- AllInOneSilo by TMT-Team
- Tanksäule by Kolbenfresser
- Digitale Anzeigen by Blacky_BPG
- Futterlager by Ganelcer
- Strassenset by atze1978
- Ampeln by Bluebaby210
- Maschinenhalle by SLJ-AGRAR
- Waschhalle by matzesft; Script by Blacky_BPG
- 18m Waage by Repi, Script by Blacky_BPG
- 24m Waage by Marc85, Skript by Blacky_BPG
- WoolPaletteCollector by Marhu
- Gewege by Desperados93
Farming 2013 Mods
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